I woke up with a jolt. The time was 7.30 and I had to be in school by 9;-Miraculously impossible. And, it was not any simple lecture or tutorial.. It was LAB! I hate labs.. I hate anything hands on. I would rather just give the idea behind how i want something to work than to make something work, myself. Sigh.. Feel like a useless engineer.
Anyway, after that, i nearly fell on my dad's feet, begging him to take me to school by car. Fortunately for me, he agreed. We were stuck in the jam though, and I ended up in school at 9:15. Usually, the first ten min were for the lab tutor to explain how the lab is to be done and what readings are to be taken. I had missed it! And top it all off, I forgot where the lab was. So i made a quick sms and sent them around to friends who took the EE2011 module. One gal replied immediately and following her instructions, i went to the room she had indicated only to realise that it was the wrong one. She had accidentally given my the lab add of another module, EE2010. Called her and got the right add and by the time i rushed to the lab it was 9.30.
Next, i dig thru my bag..din't have my lab manual. *Grunt*.. Ran out of the lab.. Ran to the computer cluster, got the lab printed out.. Ran back.. Settled at a table. There was a complicated looking circuit.. an Oscilloscope and a few wires.. I just sat there,clueless. Thank god, the lab tutor was quite compassionate and came over noticing my exasperation from a distance. She explained everything all over again, exclusively.hehe..sigh!
Somehow, my day was over at school today...a tough one. Finished some project work and realised it was already 4. I am back home now and about to leave for tuition. Supposed to go dancing today.. (would love to) but looks like i cant now..too much work..tuition will end late..
okok.. enough of grumbling!
So ppl...How was ur day?
Hey eug!
I look great in tt photo???I was supposed to look like a nerd in tt. Took it purposely to look like a nerd..hehe..Thanks for tt song.. it was really good..just heard it.. and ya.thanks for spamming me..haha..
Continue spamming though
Eug..U r trying to say i look like a natural nerd....:(..hehe
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