Friday, April 27, 2007

Need a moral boost?

A man sets out to climb the Mount Everest. His aim was to reach the peak and set his country's flag. Close to reaching the tip, he tripped and tumbled several metres down. Due to injuries, he had to return, unsuccessful.

When interviewed, he was asked what he gained by trying to climb the mountain and failed in the end.. if he thought his efforts were of waste.. and his reply was that compared to men who dint try, or men who tried and reached the top, he had gained the experience of failing. He had learnt the meaning and the pain of a fall, that would allow him to avoid such falls the next time. And this was solely experienced only by him ...he who failed.

Friends! Also remember that every incident in our lives hold extreme significance. Even negative incidents have something to be learnt from ..

Yet another man who lived in a village of farmers, owned a huge farm. One day, a herd of wild horses passed by his fields, and grazed on them while he was out of town. He lost all the plantation he had grown for months in a matter of hours. The other villagers pitied his situation and told him how sorry they were that this happened.. and the farmer replied "Dont be sorry, everything happens for the best!".

He began rearing those wild horses and soon he owned a stable. He rented the horses out to rich men and made lots more money than he made out of selling what he grew in his farm. The villagers envied him and told him how lucky he was. And he said "Not so soon my friends. You never know! "..

That evening, his son rode on one of the horses and due to some unfortunate mishap, fell from the horse and had a major injury.. Yet, the farmer was steadfast in his belief that even that happened for the best of reasons. A week later, the government of the country the village belonged to instructed all young men to join the army to fight a war and the farmer's son who was badly injured was excused.. :)

So, always stay positive. Jobless? (like me?).. Uncertain of your future? Lost a job? Screwed up results? No worries! Its all happening for the best!!

oh well..i needed this boost myself!


Unknown said...

Cool words,.,., came here from ur orkut profile..Best of LUCK.. keep rocking n posting ...

Anonymous said...

hey it was nice reading your blog, but what if that mountaineer trying to reach on top, falls again and again and again. what about his learning, all his experience will be pain and sorrow gained through falling, how will he ever try to climb again????

didn't he try hard :)